
Professional Associations

Membership in professional organizations is beneficial to the farrier, the client, as well as the horse industry. Professional Associations' educational programs are designed to help farriers provide improved services to horses and horse owners.

The AFA and the WCB promote the farrier and blacksmithing professions in North America, while the PPFA and the DelMarVa serve farriery interests in Pennsylvania, the Delaware Valley region and Virginia.

Professional associations also provide direction for the future of the field as they actively monitor legislation and showing rules, and acts as an advocate of farriers in relations with veterinarians.

David A. Deppen is an AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier
and a member of the following professional Farrier Associations

AFA logoThe American Farrier's Association (AFA) is the largest farrier association in North America with 3,300 members and 53 Chapters in North America. The AFA is dedicated to further the professional development of farriers and to providing quality programs to horse owners, members, and the general public. >>> more

PPFA logoThe Pennsylvania Professional Farriers' Association (PPFA) was stablished in 1997 to organize farriers and other interested parties in the state of Pennsylvania. Its mission aims to facilitate learning, ongoing education and promote the farrier industry. The association has over 80 members.

To become a PPFA member, download registration form (PDF) and send the completed form with your payment to the PPFA treasurer, Dave Deppen.

WCB logoThe World Champion Blacksmiths are kicking off the 2007 season with competitions around the country. A "Super Clinic" is scheduled for the weekend of January 11 in Houston, TX. Dave Deppen is scheduled to participate in Houston.
>>> more

David A. Deppen also a member of the regional DELMARVA (Delaware, Maryland and Virginia) Farriers Organization, the Maryland Farriers Association (MFA), and the MidEastern Farrier's Association (MEFA). logo

For more information or to see if I am able to accept new clients at this time,
please email or call me @ 609-915-6102.